Yii2 Theme

Posted by admin- in Home -11/09/17

Query Query. Builder. Query. Builder is an UI component to create queries and filters. It can be used on advanced search engine pages, administration backends, etc. It is highly customizable and is pluggable to many j. Query widgets like autocompleters, sliders and. It outputs a structured JSON of rules which can be easily parsed to create SQLNo. SQLwhatever queries. And it also comes with a set of greatplugins and has a. Download j. Query Query. Builder. Dependencies. Lets go Include query builder. Then add Query. Builder to any lt div you want. lt dividbuilder lt div lt script builder. Yii2 ThemeYii2 ThemeBuilderfilters. lt script Query. Builder can also be used with Common. JS requirejquery,query builder,functionbuilder. Yii2 ThemeRaspina CMS Yii2. Brief and easytofollow guide on how to publish your website to the Internet in only three steps find Web Hosting, set up your website, and add. . Mog wykona przykadowe systemy CMS strony o dynamicznej zawartoci tworzonej przez uytkownika z panelem logowania i prezentacj danych dla. Help, tutorials, code samples, explanations on a variety of subject, such as MS Access Database, MS Excel, MS Word, VBA, PHP and also a few product reviews. Yii2 ThemeBuilderfilters. A standalone version is available with. T. js. included you still need to add j. Query and Bootstrap. Backends. Awesome people implemented parsers in various language, check them out Options. Nametypedefaultdescriptionfiltersobjectrequired. Array of available filters in the builder. See belowpluginsobject. Configuration of plugins. See plugins pagerulesobject. Initial set of rules. Its like calling set. Rulesmethod after. By default the builder will contain one empty rule. List of groups in the filters and operators dropdowns see filters and operators configuration. It can be a simple id label map or contains. More details. Simple id label map optgroups core Core,plugins PluginsLocalized strings en is mandatory optgroups core en Core,fr Coeur,de Kerndefaultfilterstringnull. The id of the default filter for any new rule. Sort filters alphabetically, or with a custom function passed to Array. Number of allowed nested groups. No error will be thrown is the builder is entirely empty. When an error occurs on a rule, display an icon with a. AND, ORArray of available group conditions. Use the lang option to change the label. ANDDefault active condition. Piece of HTML used to separate multiple inputs for between operator. Add an empty option with selectplaceholder string to the filter dropdowns. If the empty filter. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. D1 mini shematics. Programming. The D1 mini has a micro USB for auto programming. Also you can programming it using OTA. Warnings. Label of the no filter option. Configuration of operators. See belowlangcodestringenOne of the language files code available. Default is English or the last loaded language. Additionaloverwrites translation strings. See. belowiconsobjectglyphicons. Font icons used in the builder. Defaults to using Glyphicons. See belowtemplatesobject. HTML templates. See below. Filters. The filters option is an array of plain objects defining the rules possible contents. Here are the. available attributes Nametypedefaultdescriptionidstringrequired. Unique identifier of the filter. Field used by the filter, multiple filters can use the same field. Label used to display the filter. It can be simple string or a map for localization. More details. Define label as a map to translate the filter en is mandatory label en Name,fr Nom,es Nombreoptgroupstringobject. Optional id of an lt optgroup in the filters dropdown. If the optgroup does not exist in. Type of the field. Available types are string, integer, double. Type of input used. Available types are text, number, textarea. It can also be a function which returns the HTML of the said input, this function takes 2 parameters. Rule objectinputname the name of the inputvaluesarrayobjectrequiredRequired for radio and checkbox inputs. Generally needed for. More details. Three forms are allowed for the values object. Simple array of values, labels will be the values. Key value object, keys are input values and values and labels. Un,two Deux,three TroisBecause the order of key value objects is uncertain, you can also use an array of one element objects. Un,two Deux,three Troisvalueseparatorstring. Used the split and join the value when a text input is used with an operator allowing multiple. As it says inputeventstringchangeSpace separated list of DOM events which the builder should listen to detect value changes. Only for text and textarea inputs horizontal size of the input. Only for textarea inputs vertical size of the input. Only for select inputs accept multiple values. Only for text and textarea inputs placeholder to display inside the input. Only for radio and checkbox inputs display inputs vertically on not. Object of options for rule validation. See belowoperatorsarray. Array of operators types to use for this filter. If empty the filter will use all applicable operators. Show all operatorsequalnotequalinnotinlesslessorequalgreatergreaterorequalbetweennotbetweenbeginswithnotbeginswithcontainsnotcontainsendswithnotendswithisemptyisnotemptyisnullisnotnullpluginstring. Name of a j. Query plugin to apply on the input. Object of parameters to pass to the plugin. Additional data not used by Query. Builder but that will be added to the output rules object. Use this to. store. Setterfunction. Function used to set the inputs value. If provided the default function is not run. It takes 2 parameters. Rule objectvaluevalue. Getterfunction. Function used to get the inputs value. If provided the default function is not run. It takes 1 parameter. Validation. Query. Builder integrates a configurable validation system triggered when validate or. Rules methods are called. The default validator checks for emptyness and can be extended with. Optionally you can define a custom validation callback. Here are the available attributes of the validation field of each filter Nametypedescriptionformatstringobject. For date, time, datetime a valid Moment. JS string format. For string a regular expression plain or Reg. Exp objectminintegerdoublestring. For integer, double minimum value. For date, time, datetime minimum value, respecting. For string minimum lengthmaxintegerdoublestring. For integer, double maximum value. For date, time, datetime maximum value, respecting. For string maximum lengthstepintegerdouble. For integer, double step value for double you should always. Custom error messages for the standard validations, keys are validation names. The provided IP is not validallowemptyvaluebooleantrue to allow empty user input for this filtercallbackfunction. A function used to perform the validation. If provided, the default validation will not be performed. It. must returns true if the value is valid or an error string otherwise. It takes 2 parameters. Rule object. Methods. The plugins function acts as a proxy to access all underlying methods. builder. Buildermethod. Name,param1,param2 You can also execute methods by getting a reference to the builder instance. builder0. Builder. method. Nameparam1,param2 Only main methods are described, consult the. API documentation. Plugins methods. Methods added by plugins are detailed in their respective. Returns a boolean indicating whether the builder is valid or not. Use the validation. Error event to. per rule validation errors. If displayerrors is enabled the invalid rules will turn red. Optiontypedefaultdescriptionskipemptybooleanfalsetrue to skip the validation on rules that have no filter selected. RulesoptionsPerforms validation and returns the rules as a plain JSON object. See the demo for output example. The method takes an optional object of options.