Sample Tcl/Tk Programs
Posted by admin- in Home -06/09/17Welcome to the Department of Computer Science. The Department of Computer Science offers programs of study related to computing, information technology and software design and application. Our programs involve interdepartmental, multi institutional and inter institutional collaboration and have attracted faculty members, undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world. Students may pursue full time or part time study leading to a Certificate in Computer Science or to B. Sc., M. Sc., or Ph. D. degrees. The Department currently offers B. Http, a command bundled into Tcl, is a clientside implementation of the HTTP1. 1 protocol. Documentation edit official reference Commands edit. A frequentlyasked questions, also called a FAQ, covers problems with the TclTk programming on the Windows platform. The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page User interfaces occupy an important part of software development. This page provides a comprehensive reference on toolkits for. A commandline interface or command language interpreter CLI, also known as commandline user interface, console user interface and character user interface CUI. This FAQ gives some background and discussion for frequently encountered problems with the ncurses library, the terminal database and applications. Sc., B. Sc. Honours, B. Sc. Computer ScienceMathematics, B. Sc. Honours Computer ScienceMathematics, B. Sc. in Software System Development degrees in its undergraduate program, and M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in its graduate program. It also offers a two year certificate program in computer science, for training or continuing education. The Department operates a program in cooperative University education in the four year degree programs. Following the first two semesters of University courses, students spend alternate four month periods taking courses and working in fully salaried computer science related jobs with participating employers. Such a program may improve the students motivation and performance, and the practical experience gained may aid the student in choosing future areas of interest. R Bioconductor Manuals Bar plot of Venn counts. BarplotOLlistOLlist, horizT, las1, cex. Venn Bar Plot Generates a bar plot for the Venn counts of the six test sample sets. In contrast to Venn diagrams, bar plots scale to larger numbers of. The layout of the plot can be adjusted by changing. The minimum. number of counts to consider in the plot can be set with the. The bars themselves are colored by. OLlistComplexityLevels. 2 way Venn diagrams. OLlist. 2 lt over. Lappersetlistsetlist. OLlist. 2VennList counts lt sapplyOLlist. VennList, length venn. Plotcountscounts. Plots a non proportional 2 way Venn diagram. The main graphics features. Plot function can be controlled by the following arguments. Venn Diagram main title. Note the vector lengths provided for the. Venn diagram and 7 for a 3 way Venn diagram. The argument setlabels allows to provide a vector of custom sample labels. However. assigning the proper names in the original test set list is much more. Venn diagrams setlist. OLlist. 3 lt over. Lappersetlistsetlist. OLlist. 3VennList, length, sapplyOLlist. VennList, lengthvenn. Plotcountscounts, mysubTop var. Bottom var. 2, yoffsetc0. Plots a non proportional 3 way Venn diagram. The results from several. Venn comparisons can be combined in a single Venn diagram by assigning. The. positonal offset of the count sets in the plot can be controlled with. The argument setting colmode2 allows to assign different colors to each count set. For instance, with colmode2 one. Venn diagrams setlist. OLlist. 4 lt over. Lappersetlistsetlist. OLlist. 4VennList, length, sapplyOLlist. VennList, lengthvenn. Plotcountscounts, mysubTop var. Bottom var. 2, yoffsetc0. Plots a non proportional 4 way Venn diagram. The setting typecircle. Venn diagram as circles. This representation. Venn diagrams setlist. OLlist. 5 lt over. Lappersetlistsetlist. OLlist. 5VennList, lengthvenn. Plotcountscounts, ccolcrep1,3. Plots a non proportional 5 way Venn diagram. Export and other utilities OLexport lt as. OLlist. 54, paste, collapse write. OLexport, filetest. F, quoteF, sept Exports intersect data in tabular format to a file. OLexport lt data. VennComprepnamesOLlist. OLlist. 54, length, IDsunlistOLlist. OLexport, filetest. F, quoteF, sept Same as above, but exports to an alternative tabular format. OLlist. 53, functionx revsortx Sorts the overlap results within each complexity level by their size. This allows to identify the sample set combinations with the largest. Command to identify and count duplicated objects in the original sample. In the given example, only set F contains. Their frequency is provided in the result. Plotcounts, mymain, mysub, ccolwhite, lcolwhite Returns an empty Venn diagram without counts or labels. Typical analysis routine for sets of differentially expressed genes DEGs ratio lt matrixsampleseq 5, 5, by0. T, 1. 00, 4. dimnameslistpasteg, 1 1. DEG, 1 4, sep. T Creates a sample matrix of gene expression log. This could be any data typeIdentifies all genes with at least a two fold up or down regulation and. OLlistup lt over. Lappersetlistsetlistup, sep, typevennsetsOLlistdown lt over. Lappersetlistsetlistdown, sep, typevennsetscounts lt listsapplyOLlistupVennList, length, sapplyOLlistdownVennList, lengthvenn. Plotcountscounts, ccolcred, blue, colmode2, mysubTop DEG UP Bottom DEG Down, yoffsetc0. Performs Venn analysis for the four sets stored in setlistup and. The argument setting colmode2 allows to assign different. For instance, with colmode2 one can.