Orbis Sensualium Pictus Pdf

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Etymologie. Slovo iba je odvozeno od slovesa hat, kter slouilo i jako ptnick termn. Slovo souvis s tvarem ouhat, tj. vykukovat nap. z. Internetov knihkupectv s nabdkou eletronickch knih. Elektronick knihy zanajcch autor, elektronick knihy ke staen zdarma. Temtico. La escuela para el siglo XXI. Juan Delval. Doctor en Filosofa. Catedrtico de Psicologa Evolutiva y Educacin en la Universidad Autnoma de Madrid. New Latin Wikipedia. For the language of original Latin works created since the beginning of the 2. Latin. New Latin also called Neo Latin1 or Modern Latin2 was a revival in the use of Latin in original, scholarly, and scientific works between c. Modern scholarly and technical nomenclature, such as in zoological and botanical taxonomy and international scientific vocabulary, draws extensively from New Latin vocabulary. In such use, New Latin is often viewed as still existing and subject to new word formation. As a language for full expression in prose or poetry, however, it is often distinguished from Contemporary Latin as a predecessor. Classicists use the term Neo Latin to describe the Latin that developed in Renaissance Italy as a result of renewed interest in classical civilization in the 1. Neo Latin also describes the use of the Latin language for any purpose, scientific or literary, during and after the Renaissance. The beginning of the period cannot be precisely identified however, the spread of secular education, the acceptance of humanistic literary norms, and the wide availability of Latin texts following the invention of printing, mark the transition to a new era of scholarship at the end of the 1. The end of the New Latin period is likewise indeterminate, but Latin as a regular vehicle of communicating ideas became rare after the first few decades of the 1. The term New Latin came into widespread use towards the end of the 1. New Latin was, at least in its early days, an international language used throughout Catholic and Protestant Europe, as well as in the colonies of the major European powers. This area consisted of most of Europe, including Central Europe and Scandinavia its southern border was the Mediterranean Sea, with the division more or less corresponding to the modern eastern borders of Finland, the Baltic states, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Croatia. Russias acquisition of Kiev in the later 1. Latin to Russia. Nevertheless, the use of Latin in Orthodox eastern Europe did not reach high levels due to their strong cultural links to the cultural heritage of Ancient Greece and Byzantium, as well as Greek and Old Church Slavonic languages. Orbis Sensualium Pictus PdfThough Latin and New Latin are considered extinct having no native speakers, large parts of their vocabulary have seeped into English and several Germanic languages. In the case of English, about 6. Latin, thus many English speakers can recognize New Latin terms with relative ease as cognates are quite common. HistoryeditBeginningseditNew Latin was inaugurated by the triumph of the humanist reform of Latin education, led by such writers as Erasmus, More, and Colet. Medieval Latin had been the practical working language of the Roman Catholic Church, taught throughout Europe to aspiring clerics and refined in the medieval universities. It was a flexible language, full of neologisms and often composed without reference to the grammar or style of classical usually pre Christian authors. The humanist reformers sought both to purify Latin grammar and style, and to make Latin applicable to concerns beyond the ecclesiastical, creating a body of Latin literature outside the bounds of the Church. Attempts at reforming Latin use occurred sporadically throughout the period, becoming most successful in the mid to late 1. The Protestant Reformation 1. Latin from the liturgies of the churches of Northern Europe, may have advanced the cause of the new secular Latin. The period during and after the Reformation, coinciding with the growth of printed literature, saw the growth of an immense body of New Latin literature, on all kinds of secular as well as religious subjects. The heyday of New Latin was its first two centuries 1. Medieval Latin tradition, it served as the lingua franca of science, education, and to some degree diplomacy in Europe. Classic works such as Newtons Principia Mathematica 1. Throughout this period, Latin was a universal school subject, and indeed, the pre eminent subject for elementary education in most of Europe and other places of the world that shared its culture. All universities required Latin proficiency obtained in local grammar schools to obtain admittance as a student. Latin was an official language of Polandrecognised and widely used4567 between the 9th and 1. Through most of the 1. Latin was also supreme as an international language of diplomatic correspondence, used in negotiations between nations and the writing of treaties, e. Osnabrck and Mnster 1. Location of the Czech Republic dark green in Europe green dark grey in the European Union green. New Latin also called NeoLatin or Modern Latin was a revival in the use of Latin in original, scholarly, and scientific works between c. 1375 and c. 1900. Externe links. Comenius Museum Mausoleum Naarden Een LatijnDuitsHongaarse uitgave van de Orbis pictus van 1685 1650. Bevochten eendracht. Willem Frijhoff en. Geschichte. Kreide findet schon seit Jahrhunderten zum Beschriften von Tafeln Verwendung so findet sich zum Beispiel in Johann Amos Comenius Orbis sensualium pictus. Lschpapier wird bereits im Orbis sensualium pictus von Johann Amos Comenius erwhnt, jedoch wurde auch noch lange Zeit der Schreibsand auch Streusand genannt. Orbis Sensualium Pictus PdfAs an auxiliary language to the local vernaculars, New Latin appeared in a wide variety of documents, ecclesiastical, legal, diplomatic, academic, and scientific. While a text written in English, French, or Spanish at this time might be understood by a significant cross section of the learned, only a Latin text could be certain of finding someone to interpret it anywhere between Lisbon and Helsinki. As late as the 1. Latin was still used conversationally, and was serviceable as an international auxiliary language between people of different countries who had no other language in common. Orbis Sensualium Pictus PdfFor instance, the Hanoverian king George I of Great Britain reigned 1. English, communicated in Latin with his Prime Minister Robert Walpole,9 who knew neither German nor French. DeclineeditBy about 1. Protestant religious movement had reached academia, and an example of the transition is Newtons writing career, which began in New Latin and ended in English e. Opticks, 1. 70. 4. A much earlier example is Galileo c. Latin, some in Italian, the latter to reach a wider audience. By contrast, while German philosopher Christian Wolff 1. German as a language of scholarly instruction and research, and wrote some works in German, he continued to write primarily in Latin, so that his works could more easily reach an international audience e. Philosophia moralis, 1. Likewise, in the early 1. French replaced Latin as a diplomatic language, due to the commanding presence in Europe of the France of Louis XIV. At the same time, some like King Frederick William I of Prussia were dismissing Latin as a useless accomplishment, unfit for a man of practical affairs. The last international treaty to be written in Latin was the Treaty of Vienna in 1. War of the Austrian Succession 1. French. A diminishing audience combined with diminishing production of Latin texts pushed Latin into a declining spiral from which it has not recovered. As it was gradually abandoned by various fields, and as less written material appeared in it, there was less of a practical reason for anyone to bother to learn Latin as fewer people knew Latin, there was less reason for material to be written in the language. Latin came to be viewed as esoteric, irrelevant, and too difficult. As languages like French, German, and English became more widely known, use of a difficult auxiliary language seemed unnecessarywhile the argument that Latin could expand readership beyond a single nation was fatally weakened if, in fact, Latin readers did not compose a majority of the intended audience. As the 1. 8th century progressed, the extensive literature in Latin being produced at the beginning slowly contracted. By 1. 80. 0 Latin publications were far outnumbered, and often outclassed, by writings in the modern languages. Latin literature lasted longest in very specific fields e. By the end of the 1.