Bird Vswr Meter Software
Posted by admin- in Home -16/11/17Updated 117. This page is intended to be a reference list of basic specifications for electronic test equipment, especially obsolete models. I have been collecting. Diamonds new CP5H is a five band 40M, 20M, 15M, 10M and 6M trap vertical antenna with trap radials. Its light weight, 6. 6 pounds, makes it very. 48 useful links about SWR Meter projects collected in Technical ReferenceSWR Meters at The DXZone. The UKs most competitive source of refurbished, used test equipment from. All Test Equipment is provided with a warranty. Hi all, I was an avid CB user from when my father bought his first SSB CB radio in the mid 70s. I had the pleasure of making many long distance contacts includ. AMATEUR RADIO GLOSSARY JARGON, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. NOTE CAUTION This is an informal listing of Ham Jargon The opinions of AC6V Only. Service, Operators, Calibration, and Technical Manuals for Tektronix, HP Hewlett Packard Agilent, Fluke, and Military electronics, and many other types of. OCARC Ham Radio Suppliers List. This web page contains links to numerous manufacturers and suppliers of amateur radio equipment and accessories. This page will continue to be updated as new links are located and new supplier areas are added. Signifies a link recently added to this site. Signifies a link that has changed, been lost, or been corrected. The current categories are Accessories Manufacturers, Antennas Accessories, Electronic Surplus Dealers, Ham Book Sources, Ham Parts Distributors, Kit Manufacturers, Major Distributors, and Major Manufacturers. The 2. 1 links in this section last checked 0. The 2. 6 links in this section last checked 0. AEA Antennas Analyzers. Alpha Delta Antennas, Coax Switches. Andrew Heliax Hardline. Antennas US Antennas. Array Solutions Antenna and Dx Accessories. Barker Williamson Antennas. Butternut Antennas BencherByers Chassis Kits K3. IWK VHFUHF Antennas, Antenna Parts. C3i VHFUHF Yagis, Power Dividers, Stacking Systems. Cable X Perts Coax, Wire, Connectors. C. A. T. S. Rotator Parts, Alliance, CDR, Hy Gain. Champion Radio Products Towers, Safety Equip., Tower Hdwr, Accs. Comet Antennas N. C. G. CompanyCubex Quad Antennas. Cushcraft Antennas Laird TechnologiesDiamond Antennas. DX Engineering. DX Beam HF Antennas FranceFluid Motion see Stepp. IRForce 1. 2 Antennas, Tri Ex Towers. Gap Antenna Products. Glen Martin Engineering Towers. High Sierra Antennas Mobile Antennas. Hustler New Tronics Antennas HF, VHF UHF antennas. Hy Gain Antennas, Rotators, Towers. Hy Power Antenna Co. IIX Equipment Ltd W9. IIXTower Accessories. International Antenna Corp. Isotron Low Profile Antennas. KLM Antennas Support. KU4. AB Antennas VHFUHF Square Loop Antennas. Larrys Antennas Mobile Antennas. Larsen Mobile Base Antennas. Lakeview Co. Hamstick Antennas. M2 Antennas. Maldol Antennas N. C. G. CompanyThe Mast Company Telescoping Fiberglass Masts. Metz Communications Mobile Antennas. Mosley Antennas. N6. PEQ Communications Portable Radial Systems. Nemal Cable Connectors. Opek Technologies Mobile, Portable Antennas. Radioware Wire, Coax, Connectors. The Radio Works Wire Antennas, Baluns, Antenna Accessories. The RF Connection Cable, Connectors. RF Tec Mfg. RF Surge Protectors, Connectors, Pre fabd Cables. Rohn Towers. SPI RO Mfg. Wire Antennas, Baluns. Stepp. IR Antennas Fluid Motion Remotely adjustable Yagi. Tashjian Towers Corp New Towers Tri Ex support and partsTennadyne Log Periodic Antennas. Tri Ex Towers see Tashjian TowersUniversal Towers Aluminum Communications Towers. U. S. Tower. Wireman Inc. Coax, Wire, more. The 5. 5 links in this section last checked 0. Advance Battery Systems Li Ion, Ni. MH batteries, H. H. replacements. AF4. K Crystals. Allied Electronics. Amidon Associates Iron Powder Ferrite Coil Forms. Antique Electronic Supply Tubes, parts. B A Products NTE Replacement parts, test equipment. The Battery Store Now TNR Technical All sorts of batteries. Barker Williamson Coils, transmitter RF parts, more. Mr. Ni. Cads Batteries America. Bliley Technologies Crystals, Oscillators. Circuit Specialists Circuit Boards, parts. Component Distributors. Crystal Radio Supply Parts Crystal Radio parts. CWS Bytemark Coils, Cores, Ferrite Santa Ana, CAPeter W. Dahl Custom Replacement Transformers. Digi Key Parts, ICs, Components. Eimac Ceramic Transmitting Tubes. Futurlec Components, Parts. Gateway Electronics. The House of Tubes. ICE Bandpass Filters, Receiving Converters, more. International CC Components. International Crystal Mfg. Jameco Electronics Parts, ICs, Components. JAN Crystals. JDR Microdevices Parts, ICs, Components. J. W. Miller Coils, Chokes, RF Transformers. MCM Electronics. Mouser Electronics Parts, ICs, Components. National RF, Inc Dial Scales, DF Equiipment. Ni. Cd Lady Nicad, Lead Acid Batteries, Battery Pack Rebuilds. Parallax BASIC Stamp controller. Parts Express Electronic Parts. Powerwerx Anderson Power Poles, Adapters and Accessories. Radio Electronic Supply Vacuum Tubes New and used. Radio Shack. RF Parts. STF Electronics Hammond Transformers, Chassis, NE6. ANSvetlana Tubes Available through RF Parts. Toms Tubes Closed. Tower Electronics the hams dime storeVacuum Tubes Inc. Tubes, Parts. W W Manufacturing Batteries, Inserts. The 4. 2 links in this section last checked 0. A A Engineering Anaheim, CAAlden Mc. Duffie See The Crystal Set SocietyByer Chassis Kits K3. IWK Chassis Kits Custom Enclosures. Communications Concepts Inc Kit Amplifiers, ATV, Parts. Crystal Radio Supply Crystal radio kits, parts. Crystal Set Society Crystal radio kits, parts. CW Touch Keyer Keyers kit and wired, SMT boards, Parts. Dans Small Parts and Kits Elecraft Kit CW SSB Transceivers. FAR Circuits Circuit boards for Ham Magazine Projects. Hamtronics. Harbach Electronics Mod kits for Heathkit SB 2. SB 2. 20 Amplifiers and much more. Heathkit Company Yes, theyre getting back into the kit businessData Professionals Heathkit Page Official Heathkit Manuals, Parts, Parts Xref, Heath BluebookThe Heathkit Shop Parts, Repair Info. Heathkit Virtual Museum Photos specs on numerous older Heathkit products. Hobbytron Ham Hobby Kits, Parts. Jackson Harbor Kits Misc small kits. Kagna US QRP, Masts, Lots more. Kit Radio Company UK Kits, tools, parts. Nightfire Electronic Kits Parts kits incl. SMT parts. Nostalgic Kit Central Parts and info for Allied, EICO, EMC, Heathkit, PACO Precise companies. Oak Hills Research QRP Kits. Quantics W9. GR DSP 3 kits Out of Production Still lots of information. Parts and Kits RF Kits, Torroids, ICs, Capacitor kits. Ramsey Electronics Radio Kits. Small Wonder Labs PSK 3. Xcvr. Vectronics Kits. The 2. 7 links in this section last checked 1. Acom Automatic HF Amplifier Remote Antenna Switcher. Am Com Clear. Speech Speakers See Heil SoundAmeco Code Tapes, Accessories. Array Solutions RF Amps, Analyzers, much more. Atomic Time WWVB Syncd Clocks. Autek Research SWR Analyzers. Bencher Keys, Paddles, Filters. Communications Specialists CTCSS, etc. Daiwa SWR Meters N. C. G. CompanyDavis Instruments Weather Stations. DC Ace Electronics HT Batteries, power supplies. DCI Band pass Filters. Warren Gregoire Headsets. The Ham Contact Battery Solar Power Accessories, Mobile Antennas. HAL TNCs, DSP Modems. Heil Sound Microphones, Ham Audio. Intertronic Solutions RF Amplifiers. Kantronics TNCs. Lido Mounts No hole mountings for mobile ham rigs Santa Ana, CAMAHA Ni. MH Batteries, Chargers, RF Amplifiers. The Maine Store Cups, Ham Gifts. Mayberry Sales Service Portable Generators. Mr. Ham. Radio Tee Shirts, Call Plates. New Communications Solutions Audio Patching Accessories. Nye Viking Tuners, Keys. ONV Safety Belt Climbing harnesses. Palomar Engineers Tuners, Toroids. Peet Bros Weather Stations. Power Port Handheld Pouches. Q. R. Zed Engraving Nametags, Badges, engraved accessories. Quicksilver Radio Products Accessories. RF Applications, Inc. VSWR Computers See Array Solutions. RT Systems Amateur Radio Supply. SSB Electronic VHFUHFMW Amplifiers Accessories. Telex Headsets Electro. VoiceTimewave Digital Terminals. Vibroplex Keys, Bugs, Paddles. W2. IHY Technologies Audio Equalizers. Wavenode RF monitor, PC based. West Mountain Radio Rigblaster. Woodnames Call plaques etc. The 3. 8 links in this section last checked 0. SWR Meter Technical Reference SWR Meters. MHZ RF Power Measurement. HF 1. 00. W LCD PIC1. F8. 77. A SWR Meter at fox delta. Hits 2. 80. 1 Votes 3 Rating 5. A Mini Primer on SWR Measurements. What Does a Low or High SWR Mean Relation between SWR and antenna efficiency by WB6. FRZ. Hits 1. 23. Votes 3 Rating 4. A Modern Directional PowerSWR Meter. Every ham needs an RF power meter. Here is a high performance unit to build at home. Hits 5. 92 Votes 0 Rating 0. A Pocket Size, Direct Reading VHF SWR Meter. This easy to build LED bargraph SWR meter goes with you anywhere. Hits 3. 05. 9 Votes 4 Rating 3. A QRP SWR meter. A real QRPp VSWR Meter project by DJ1. ZB. Hits 8. 01. Votes 1 Rating 1. A simple SWR Meter. This article describes a simple QRP SWR meter built using readily available parts. Hits 1. 57. 57 Votes 1. Rating 3. 2. 9 A Wifi VSWR Meter. When building antennas for the Wifi band, a need for an easy way to check the antennas arise. This is a project for a 2. GHz band SWR Meter. Hits 9. 52 Votes 4 Rating 4. Automatic 1. 8 6. MHz SWRWATTmeter. A PIC1. 6F8. 76 based, automatic 1. MHz SWRWATTmeter A project from Il Club Autocostruttori of the Padova ARI club Italy. Hits 3. 67. 7 Votes 1. Rating 4. 5. 5 Automatic SWR meter. Automatic SWR meter and semi automatic tuning unit by F1. FRV. Hits 7. 30. Votes 1. 16 Rating 9. Bird 4. 31. 4 Maintenance. Bird 4. 31. 4 RF Power Meter Battery Replacement. Hits 9. 6 Votes 2 Rating 5. Converting Zeta. Gi HP2. Conversion of Zetagi HP2. SWR wattmeter for HF Amateur Bands by G8. ODE. Hits 1. 34. Votes 2 Rating 9. Digital QRP SWR Power meter. A KD1. JV Melt solder kit, a swr and power meter operating from 1. Hits 5. 04. 2 Votes 4 Rating 1. Digital SWR Power Meter project. A PIC1. 6F8. 76 based, automatic 1. MHz Digital SWRWATTmeter capable of displaying both the SWR and P. E. P. power values, with a bar graph on the second line tracking the instantaneous power. Hits 3. 28. 9 Votes 4 Rating 5. G3. TXQ SWR meter. Based on the N2. PK design, this swr meter use a stockton directional coupler. Hits 2. 48. 0 Votes 0 Rating 0. G3. TXQ SWR meters. Homebrewed SWR meters projects by G3. TXQ. Hits 2. 12. Votes 1 Rating 9. Home Made FT Meter. An Analog Meter for Yaesu FT 8. D and FT 8. 97. D. Hits 1. 12. 0 Votes 1 Rating 1. Home. Made FT meter for Yaesu 8. An analogic Meter for yaesu FT 8. I6. IBE in italian. Hits 2. 73. 3 Votes 5 Rating 8. How important is Low SWR. What exacly is the meaning of SWR Is a Low SWR really important. Hits 7. 49 Votes 4 Rating 7. How to make a low end SWR Watt Meter reading PEP power. Building a PEP Power circuit for all analogue watt meter. Hits 4. 74 Votes 2 Rating 8. Hows Your SWR Chart showing how SWR effects how much power you actually radiate from your antenna. Hits 8. 88 Votes 0 Rating 0. LCD SWR Power Meters. Two separate meters with SWR and Power Meter combined functiosn split a homebrew project by W2. EB. Hits 3. 75 Votes 0 Rating 0. Measuring SWR with a Power Meter. Direct measurement SWR ratio of forward and reflected power using in line power meters is a common method used today for routine VSWR measurements. Hits 3. 16 Votes 0 Rating 0. N2. PK SWR Meter. HF Forward Power Return Loss SWR Meter. Hits 1. 81. 4 Votes 1 Rating 7. Notes on Bird Electronics Equipment. Information on equipment manufactured by the Bird Electronic Corporation, wattmeters, RF loads, switches by I0. JX. Hits 1. 05. Votes 0 Rating 0. Prototype SWR meter for 2. Ghz. Testing antennas is a lot easier if you have a good swr meter this is a prototype of a design by g. Hits 9. 19. 7 Votes 8 Rating 6. QRP SWR Meter. SWR meter for low power output measurements, dedicated to QRP operations. Hits 1. 90. 7 Votes 2 Rating 5. SerialUSB SWR Meter. A low cost SWR meter project based on Arduino that works with Auto. Cap automatic antenna tuner for magnetic loop antennas. Hits 5. 06 Votes 2 Rating 5. Standing Wave Ratio. About VSWR or SWR by Northwest Amateur Radio Club. Hits 4. 12 Votes 1 Rating 5. Strip line SWR meter. Make your own strip line SWR meter. A homebrew project by VK5. AJL. Hits 6. 14 Votes 1 Rating 1. SWR and Transmitters Friends or Foes SWR and Transmitters Friends or Foes, making sense of it Hits 3. 90 Votes 1 Rating 9. SWR bridge. This SWR bridge works by sampling the amount of power flowing in each direction along the aerial feeder. Hits 2. 15. 1 Votes 2 Rating 1. SWR calculator. Online VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Calculator. Hits 3. 92 Votes 5 Rating 3. SWR Mega SWR Power Meter. SWR and RF power meter for home usage, 8 different RF probes with different characteristics and power ranges by OK1. DX. Hits 3. 68. Votes 7 Rating 1. SWR readings whats going on. N2. GZ measuring antenna SWR and techniques. Hits 4. 02 Votes 0 Rating 0. SWR vs. Loss. Table of power loss to SWR relation. Hits 6. 28 Votes 1 Rating 1. SWR with non resonant antennas. SWR with multiband and non resonant antennas. Hits 9. 68 Votes 2 Rating 6. The SWR Obsession. Many Hams suffer from a cruel obsessive compulsive disorder. Theyre driven to achieve the lowest possible SWR even when it is not necessary by WB8. IMY. Hits 6. 56 Votes 0 Rating 0. Tuning Your Antenna Testing SWR. Testing SWR on your antenna and getting the best performance from your investment by L. D. Blake, VE3. VDC. Hits 9. 61 Votes 1 Rating 4. Understanding standing wave ratios. Article by SWR by A. Nony Mous. Hits 4. Votes 1 Rating 9. Understanding Standing Wave Ratios SWR. We worry a lot about Standing Wave Ratio SWR in amateur radio since SWR is one indication of how well our antenna system is working. Most HF transceivers and antenna tuners have built in SWR meters. SWR is a measure of a transceiver. Hits 8. 26. 7 Votes 8 Rating 4. Understanding SWR by Example. Take the mystery and mystique out of standing wave ratio. QST Article by K5. DVW. Hits 1. 44. Votes 6 Rating 7. Using SWR Meter. How to adjust your SWR on your radio and why. Hits 1. 34. 9 Votes 1 Rating 2. VSWR Loss Calculator. This calculator is designed to give the efficiency loss of a given antenna, based on the input of VSWR voltage standing wave ratio and other subsequent factors. Hits 1. 68. 3 Votes 9 Rating 2. What Does Your SWR Cost You Wondering whether to spend a fine day with the YL or with the antenna This article may help you decide by W1. GV. Hits 5. 18 Votes 0 Rating 0. Wideband SWR meter. About SWR, and use of SWR Meter, home made a swr meter. Hits 4. 83. 0 Votes 6 Rating 8.