Bhagavad Gita By Adi Shankaracharya Pdf

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Nombres. Tambin se le conoce como en alfabeto devanagari di akara en AITS alfabeto internacional de transliteracin snscrita. O hindusmo no tem um sistema unificado de crenas, codificado numa declarao de f ou um credo, 18 mas sim um termo abrangente, que engloba a. Adi Shankara was an early 8th century Indian Hindu philosopher and theologian whose teachings had a profound influence on the growth of Hinduism. La BhagavadGita ou Bhagavadgita devanagari Bhagavadgt, terme sanskrit se traduisant littralement par chant du Bienheureux. Adi Shankara, a Hindu philosopher of the Advaita Vedanta school, wrote a large body of works which are central to the Advaita Vedanta interpretation of the. Bhagavad Gita Wikipdia. Krishna et Arjuna sur le champ de bataille de Kurukshetra illustration du XVIIIe et XIXe sicles. La Bhagavad Gita ou Bhagavadgita devanagari  Bhagavadgt, terme sanskrit se traduisant littralement par  chant du Bienheureux  ou  Chant du Seigneur 1 est la partie centrale du pome pique Mahabharata Aranyaka parva, 2. Ce texte est un des crits fondamentaux de lhindouisme souvent considr comme un  abrg de toute la doctrine vdique 2. La Bhagavad Gita est compose de 1. Ce rcit na cess dimprgner la pense indienne tout au long des sicles. Les indianistes saccordent penser que le texte a t crit entre le Ve et le IIe sicle av.  J. C. 3, voire au Ier sicle av. J. C4. Selon la lgende des groupes Vaishnava, il daterait de 5 0. Anne Marie Esnoul,  le titre quon lui donne frquemment, Bhagavadgtopanishad, et la ressemblance quelle prsente avec les formes upanishadiques a fait se demander sil ne sagissait pas primitivement dune upanishad. Le texte a pu, lorigine, tre moins long  il nest pas homogne, il trahit des influences diverses5 . La Bhagavad Gita occupe une place importante dans la pense religieuse hindouiste   Sauf dans certains milieux shivates, tous les courants religieux brahmaniques lont accepte comme un livre saint lgal des Veda et des upanishad  on la intgre la Rvlation shruti alors que le reste du Mahbhrata relve seulement de la Tradition smriti5.  . Un dessin illustrant la bataille de Kurukshetra, entre les Kauravas et les Pandavas, dcrit dans le Mahabharata. Lhistoire se droule au dbut de la grande guerre entre les Pandava, fils du roi Pu, et les Kaurava. Non loin dHastinapura, Arjuna un des 5 Pandavas et Krishna qui se fait le cocher du char dArjuna afin de le mener au combat sont sur le champ de bataille de Kurukshetra entre les deux armes prtes combattre. Arjuna doit souffler dans une conque pour annoncer le dbut des combats mais, voyant des amis et des parents dans le camp oppos, il est dsol la pense que la bataille fera beaucoup de morts parmi ses proches, oncles, cousins. Il se tourne alors vers Krishna pour exprimer son dilemme, faire son devoir en conduisant son arme et, ce faisant, tuer des membres de sa famille, et demander conseil. La Bhagavad Gita conte lhistoire de Krishna, 8eavatar de Vishnou identifi comme une manifestation du Brahman, et dArjuna, un prince guerrier en proie au doute devant la bataille qui risque dentraner la mort des membres de sa famille, les Kaurava, qui se trouvent dans larme oppose. Le pome se compose de sept cents distiques, diviss en dix huit chapitres. Extraits de la Bhagavad Gita, issus dun manuscrit du XIXe sicle. Le rcit est constitu du dialogue entre Krishna et Arjuna. Il enseigne que mme si tous les chemins diffrent, leur but fondamental reste le mme  raliser le Brahman et chapper au cycle des renaissances travers la ralisation du Soi. Il y est fait tat des castes, Arjuna affirmant que lun des plus grands maux de lpoque serait la destruction de la famille, des castes Arjuna refusait en effet de combattre les membres de sa propre famille, caste, mme si cette dernire menace le dharma, la vertu, luniverselle non violence Ahims   4. Quand le dsordre prdomine, Krishna, les femmes de la famille se corrompent  quand les femmes sont corrompues, fils de Vishnou, le mlange des castes se produit. Un tel mlange mne lenfer ceux qui ont frapp la famille et la famille elle mme, puisque les anctres y tombent, faute des offrandes rituelles  boules de riz et libations deau. Bhagavad Gita By Adi Shankaracharya PdfThe Spiritual Significance of Navaratri by Swami Tejomayananda Ratri means night and Nava means nine. At Navaratri nine nights, the Lord in the. Provides the complete writings of Adi Shankara and explains his doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. Other scriptural texts also available, including a number of Upanishads. Bhagavad Gita By Adi Shankaracharya PdfEn consquence de telles fautes imputables aux meurtriers de la famille et qui causent le mlange des castes, lordre sacr et ternel de la famille est subverti.   Bhagavad gita, I, 4. Ce quoi Krishna rtorque plus loin, pour dfinir le comportement noblearya   1. Lintrpidit, la purification intrieure, la fermet acqurir la science, la libralit, la matrise de soi, la ralisation de sacrifice, ltude sacre, laustrit, la simplicit  2. Lahims  non violence universelle , la vracit, la patience, le renoncement, le calme, la sincrit, la compassion envers toutes les cratures day bhteu, le dsintressement, la tendresse, la pudeur, la dtermination tranquille  3. la force, lendurance, la volont, la puret, lindulgence, la modestie, tels sont, Bhrata, les traits de qui est qualifi pour une destine divine.   Bhagavad Gita, XVI6. Krishna instruit Arjuna sur un grand ventail de domaines, commencer par celui qui rsout le dilemme dArjuna, la rincarnation7, signifiant par l que les vies perdues dans la bataille ne le sont pas vritablement. Krishna continue dexposer un grand nombre de sujets spirituels, parmi lesquels plusieurs yogas ou chemins de dvotion diffrents. Dans le onzime chapitre, Krishna dvoile Arjuna quil est, en fait, une incarnation du dieu Vishnou. un niveau plus profond, la guerre est une mtaphore des confusions, des doutes, des craintes et des conflits qui proccupent toute personne un moment ou un autre de sa vie. La Gita sadresse cette discorde en nous et enseigne les yogas qui permettent de lapaiser, le Bhakti yoga la voie de la dvotion du Dieu personnel, le Jnana yoga ou la voie de la connaissance, le Karma yoga ou voie de laction juste. Selon Krishna, la racine de toutes les douleurs et de tous les troubles est lagitation de lesprit provoque par le dsir. La seule manire dteindre la flamme du dsir, indique Krishna, cest de calmer lesprit par la discipline des sens et de lesprit. Cependant, le refus total de laction est considr comme tant aussi nuisible quune totale indulgence. Selon la Bhagavad Gita, le but de la vie est de librer lesprit et lintellect de leurs complexits et de les concentrer sur la gloire de lme. Ce but peut tre ralis par les yogas daction, de dvotion et de connaissance. Le texte finit par un chant exposant la doctrine du renoncement, qui permet dchapper au samsara, le cycle des renaissances   Unifiant lintelligence purifie avec la pure substance spirituelle en lui, matrisant ltre entier par une volont ferme et stable, ayant renonc au son et aux autres objets des sens, se retirant de toute affection et de toute aversion, recourant limpersonnelle solitude, sobre, ayant matris la parole, le corps et le mental, constamment uni par la mditation avec son moi le plus profond, renonant compltement au dsir et lattachement, rejetant gosme, violence, arrogance, dsir, courroux, sens et instinct de possession, dlivr de tout sens de  moi  et de  mien , calme et lumineusement impassible un tel homme est prt pour devenir le Brahman. Quand un homme est devenu le Brahman, quand, dans la srnit du moi, il ne safflige ni ne dsire, quand il est gal envers tous les tres, alors il obtient le suprme amour et la dvotion suprme pour Moi.   XVIII, 5. Verset 2. 1. 6.    Pas dexistence pour le nant le non tre ne peut pas tre, ltre ne cesse jamais dtre lternel est immuable.  Verset 2. Tu as reu de Moi, jusquici, la connaissance analytique de la philosophie du Skhya. Reois maintenant la connaissance du yoga, qui permet dagir sans tre li ses actes.  Verset 2. Adi Shankara Biography Childhood, Life Achievements Timeline Adi Shankara was an 8th century Indian Hindu philosopher and theologian whose teachings had a profound influence on the growth of Hinduism. Also known as Shri Adi Shankaracharya and Bhagavatpada Acharya the guru at the feet of Lord, he was a religious reformist who critiqued the rituals oriented schools of Hinduism and cleansed the Vedic religious practices of ritualistic excesses. Adi Shankara is best remembered for his remarkable reinterpretations of Hindu scriptures and his commentaries on the Vedic canon Brahma Sutras, Principal Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. He was an exponent of the Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy which refers to the recognition that the true Self, Atman, is the same as the highest Reality, Brahman. His teachings on the philosophy have tremendously influenced various sects of Hinduism and have contributed to the development of the modern Indian thought. Born into a poor family in southern India, Adi Shankara was inclined towards spirituality and religion from a young age. He mastered all the Vedas and the six Vedangas from his guru and travelled widely, dispersing spiritual knowledge and spreading the tenets of Advaita Vedanta. In spite of dying at the young age of 3. Hinduism. Adi Shankara. Childhood Early Life. There are several discrepancies regarding the year of his birth. However, the mainstream scholarly opinion is that he was born circa 7. He was born into a poor Brahmin family in Kaladi, Chera Kingdom, present day Kerala, India. His parents Sivaguru and Aryamba had been childless for a long time and had prayed to Lord Shiva to bless them with a baby. It is said that Aryamba had a vision of Lord Shiva who promised her that he would be born as her first born child. Soon she gave birth to a son in the auspicious Abhijit Muhurta and under the constellation Ardhra. The boy was named Shankara. Shankara proved to be a brilliant boy and mastered all the Vedas and the six Vedangas from the local gurukul. From a young age he was more inclined towards religion and spirituality and did not show much interest in worldly affairs. He wanted to become a Sannyasin hermit though his mother disapproved. She wanted him to get married and live the life of a house holder. Legend has it that he once went to take a bath in the river when a crocodile grabbed his foot. He then called out to his mother to give him permission to become a Sannyasin or else the crocodile will kill him. His mother agreed in desperation, and the crocodile let go of his foot. He emerged unharmed from the river and proceeded to renounce all his worldly attachments. Continue Reading Below. Later Life. He wanted to get formally initiated into the sacred order of Sannyasa and thus sought a guru to guide him in this direction. He met Swami Govindapada Acharya in a hermitage in Badrikashram Badrinath in the Himalayas. He narrated his lifes story to the guru and requested him to accept him as a pupil. Swami Govindapada was very pleased with the youth and initiated him into the sacred order of Sannyasa. He then proceeded to teach Shankara the philosophy of Advaita which he himself had learnt from his guru, Gaudapada Acharya. At the behest of his guru, Shankara went to Kashi and there he wrote his commentaries on the Brahma Sutras, the Upanishads and the Gita. The details regarding the later years of his life are somewhat obscure though it is generally accepted that he travelled widely, participated in public philosophical debates with religious scholars, preached his teachings to his disciples and founded several matha monasteries. He is regarded as the founder of the Dasanami Sampradaya of Hindu monasticism and Smarta tradition. He organized the Hindu monks of a section of the Ekadandi monks under four Ma Dvaraka in the West, Jagannatha Puri in the East, Sringeri in the South and Badrikashrama in the North. He then placed four of his prominent disciples, Sureswara Acharya, Padmapada, Hastamalaka and Trotakacharya, in charge of the mathas. He was a prolific author and wrote many commentaries which are considered authentic by scholars. Some of these are Bhasya on the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the Chandogya Upanishad, the Aitareya Upanishad, the Taittiriya Upanishad, the Kena Upanishad, the Isha Upanishad, the Katha Upanishad, and the Mundaka Upanishad. Major Works. Adi Shankara was the principal exponent of the Advaita Vedanta interpretation which refers to the recognition that the true Self, Atman, is the same as the highest Reality, Brahman. He systematized the works of preceding philosophers in this philosophy and his teachings played a pivotal role in the development of Hinduism over the centuries. Personal Life Legacy. Since Adi Shankara was the only son born after years of being childless, his mother was deeply attached to him. She feared that if her son became a Sannyasin, then there would be no one left to perform the last rites upon her death. Adi Shankara promised his mother that he would perform her funeral when the time came inspite of being a Sannyasin. He fulfilled his promise upon her death and performed her last rites in spite of facing many difficulties in doing so. He is believed to have died in 8. Kedarnath, a Hindu pilgrimage site in the Himalayas. However, some texts mention the location of his death as Tamil Nadu or Kerala.